R2FACT congratulates our customer Teresa Lever and her colleagues, Joan Coates, Mitchell Allen, and Laila Al-Khashti, in association with the University of Missouri, on the success of their official granted patent for a non-restraint examination animal kennel that greatly assists in the observational efforts of animal researchers studying swallowing and airway function. From Idea to Delivery, Teresa’s observational animal kennel was designed, engineered, prototyped and manufactured with R2FACT.

R2FACT licenses its third patent and this time it will be with the University of Missouri. R2FACT will market, sell and distribute the observational animal kennel to certified veterinarian research facilities across the United States. The kennel consists of an all clear plastic trapezoidal design for maximum animal visibility that aids in calming the animal while providing a comfortable, no struggle, examination environment that keeps the animal still while being imaged during fluoroscopy imaging to detect esophageal dysplasia. Visit mffpg.com for ordering information

R2FACT will soon be promoting its new service of; licensing and launching their developed products, devices and instruments into commercialization. With more than ten years of successful promotion, marketing and sales support experience behind us, www.R2FACTlaunch.com is coming soon!