animal health research and deveilopment

We Kansas Citians have all experienced it….we are out of town for business or pleasure and the obvious question arises, “Where are you from?” “ Kansas City.” And then we hear, “A lot of farmland there. Is there anything else?” And while we can go on about the extraordinary cost of living and the ease of raising a family, as well as the fabulous BBQ and ever-growing Arts community, the buzz around town over the last few years has been the astonishing number of Animal Health companies making their home in KC.

The Animal Health industry not only helps the farmers and livestock producers increase productivity and keep the world’s population well nourished and healthy, but also contributes to the health of our animal family members at home.  So companion animal health is another contributor to the thriving Animal Health industry in KC.

According to the Kansas City Area Development Council, the KC area is home to 220 Animal Health businesses and 20,000 industry-related business.  And while Kansas City makes a good home for them, we also provide support for this industry with a work force that thrives on challenges and independent businesses that work at fulfilling the industry’s specialized needs.

Vaccines, medications, feed additives, prevention of food related diseases, improved production practices, advanced technologies and specialized devices all require research and development.  Not only for the products they are making but also for improvements to the research work itself.

And that is exactly where R2fact Product Development fits in. We become part of the research and development cycle when the need to improve laboratory devices comes into to play or when a new device would take the research to more efficient level.  When specific needs like these must be met, we are the Product Development company that works with companies in the Animal Health Industry to provide a solution.