KC ‘Entrepreneur Week’
Every Friday during happy hour, ideas for over 800 innovations are conceived. Of these 800 ideas, 350 are drawn out on bar napkins. Of those 350 bar napkins adorned with cool new ideas, 200 wipe wing sauce off of mouths. Of the remaining 150, 20 get shoved into...
Kansas City, a Pioneering Spirit
Kansas City has been a crossroads, both literally and figuratively from the get-go. The first European settlement, a permanent trading post, was established in 1821 by a French trapper named Chouteau. This settlement, which Chouteau called “The Village of the Kansas,”...
Competition is a Good Thing
Competition is a good thing. Especially the so called, “never been seen before”. Finding someone else on the internet selling “your product” may not be as bad as it seems. Yes at first, your stomach drops and you can’t help but think you have wasted much of your time...
Virtual Prototype is another form one may want to consider as a preliminary step to the actual fabrication of a material. It can be less expensive than prototyping. “Virtual” by nature is visual only. It can not be touched. It is an electronic illustrated file in CAD...
C.A.D. (Computer Aided Design)
R2FACT has diverse expertise and develop products with the ultimate goal of commercialization in mind. We work with Sales and Marketing so that the products are properly designed and engineered for the marketplace. Once a concept sketch and detail line drawings are...
Will the product be licensed or sold directly? Will it be made in the US or off-shore? Will its features be basic or high end? Whichever the response, the product’s “perceived consumer value” must be in line with the suggested retail price (SRP). The SRP versus...
Industrial Design
Industrial Design (ID) is many things yet it all depends on who you ask, what industry they are in and what country they are from. ID is the heart and brain of Product Development and Industrial Design, if done concurrently with the entire development process along...
New Product Evaluation
Having your New Product Idea evaluated by a non-biased third party is highly recommended. The WIN Institute’s Invention Evaluation is the ticket. There are two benefits to submitting the Invention Idea to WIN. The Individual will have disclosed their idea...
Every product has competition. Whether direct or indirect competition is found or determined, all data will help allow us to define the problems associated with your product. Knowing all the competition will also help identify the solutions in the open spaces in the...
Intellectual Property
Infringing on another product must be avoided. If your Product Idea is found thru a Patent Search, yet you still want to continue, a Patent Infringement analysis may be recommended. See an attorney! The absolute worst scenario is that you spend thousands to hundreds...