Kansas City, a Pioneering Spirit

Kansas City has been a crossroads, both literally and figuratively from the get-go. The first European settlement, a permanent trading post, was established in 1821 by a French trapper named Chouteau. This settlement, which Chouteau called “The Village of the Kansas,” was the first step in a long line of rough and tumble visionaries who used guts and innovation to make our beautiful city all it is today.

The “Cow Town” is still the “Now Town,” although today’s brazen cowboys are herding ideas on technology’s frontier. But they’re really not that different from their predecessors. They press forward with eyes wide open to the possibilities ahead, and a “can do” attitude that can create something where once there was nothing at all.

Like the song says, Goin’ to Kansas City — today, more and more visionaries are putting up their trading posts in Kansas City. Designers, engineers and inventors have converged, making our town a mecca for innovative entrepreneurs. Kansas City is fast becoming a creative crossroads where the worlds of science, technology, industry and arts all collide with business. And people gravitate to that – they want to come here.

That’s why R2FACT is here. We’re proud of our heritage and its people. Being part of the mechanism that helps turn the spark of creativity into the burning flame of success makes us proud too.

Poised for success, innovative companies here in the heartland are ready to ride into the future on the cutting edge of technology. We can’t wait to see the successes ahead as our pioneering city continues its climb. Regionally. Nationally. Steadfastly.

Posted in: American Innovation