About Us
Founded in 2003 by Steve Pope. Steve is an Industrial Designer and Kansas City native. He built R2FACT as on-demand R∓D firm to support start ups and small to medium sized growing businesses. Along with many dozens of staff over the years, R2FACT has innovated hundreds of proven product developments and many hundreds of proof of concept prototypes.
With 25 years’ experience in Design, Product Management and Business Management, Steve continues on the sideline as owner. Crucial to R2FACT’s past success was senior engineer Anatoly Grushansky, and designers Leonard Thompson, Scott Wayland, and Tom Gilland.
From IDEA to Delivery, R2FACT specializes in delivering a variety of Prototyping services. With design thinking steering innovation strategy for businesses, startups and inventors, R2FACT delivers tangible prototypes to test the market prior to manufacturing and commercialization.

Artifact (pronounced: är´ tə fakt´) “An object created for practical purposes produced by human workmanship with a perceived value”; a cherished relic.